Angular incisure

Angular incisure
Outline of stomach, with angular incisure stated as "incisura angularis" near center.
Diagram from
* 1. Body of stomach
* 2. Fundus
* 3. Anterior wall
* 4. Greater curvature
* 5. Lesser curvature
* 6. Cardia
* 9. Pyloric sphincter
* 10. Pyloric antrum
* 11. Pyloric canal
* 12. Angular notch
* 13. Gastric canal
* 14. Rugal folds
Latin incisura angularis
Gray's subject #247 1162

Nearer the pyloric end of the stomach than its cardiac end is a well-marked notch, the angular incisure (or notch), which varies somewhat in position with the state of distension of the viscus.

It serves to separate the stomach into a right and a left portion.

This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.